Our Story
How Fridays For Future Began
Fridays For Future is an International youth-led climate organization that began when Greta Thunberg protested every Friday for action on the climate crisis. She was 15 years old at the time, and now the movement has spread across the globe. In 2021 two young climate activists Noa Fohrer and Charlie Meader (16 & 19 at the time) decided they wanted to create a chapter in Philadelphia. Their objective was to create an accessable, informational, and ambitious platform to advocate for climate justice in Philly. From there we grew and collected members of all ages, spoke with governors, held clean ups, and working with other organizations to strengthen the fight against climate change.
Philadelphia is a city with many beauties, but it also has many injustices that need fighting. The Schykhill river is extremely polluted, its waste management systems are extremely inefficient, and unfortunately has un-equitable housing problems. Doing what we can to educate and engage with the community we are working together to try and provide a safe and healthy future for humanity to live in. Our first Climate strike a little over two years ago in front of city hall had 6 participants. We may have been small but we caught the attentions of Govorner Gilmore Richardson. Two years later on the March 3rd, 2023 Global Climate Strike we succesufly led a 500 person police escorted march in center city.

Our Mission
Our Goals for Philadelphia and the World
Consistant with international demands, Fridays For Future Philadelphia demands that we keep the global temperature below 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, ensure climate justice and equity, and listen to the best united science currently available. To work towards these larger goals, we demand that Philadelphia declare a climate emergency, divest all money from the fossil fuel industry, and create and maintain greenspaces. Read more about our demands in this document or our petition.